Tuesday, June 25, 2013

O Holy Spirit Come.....

Perhaps like me, you are sick and tired of what you watch on your television set every day, listen on radio or read on your favorite newspaper. What traditionally used to be called news is no longer news but one long story that seems like a scene from a horror movie only with anecdotes from the commercials. The stories we watch, listen and read make you sick to the stomach and leave you wondering what has become of the human society? When you hear of men raping young infants still in the diapers, men mounting on cows for sexual satisfaction, nurses in the hospitals raping their patients, men sleeping with men and endless top morning shows narrating stories of unfaithfulness between spouses, clans killing each other, husband/ wife hacking his/her spouse, teenagers engaging in sex across the street, people being mugged as you watch and companies reaping you off of your last drain of blood like thirsty vampires; don’t even think of the political class that have perpetuated corruption to feed their big bellies, you are left to wonder what kind of a generation we are bringing up.

As sad as the society may seem to have degenerated to almost total decay, you ask yourself where did we throw our morals? What happened to the long held Christian norms and customary doctrines that not only called us to action when we saw something wrong happening but also required of us to abstain from immoral activities. From a distance you only seem to be left with one option, to give up and join in the same, or sit back and hope that a Moses or Joshua will emerge from nowhere to lead the people again to the Promised Land. We can never underestimate the power of God to turn the world around, but for the less believing even God seems to have taken a long vacation and left the world to its own perils.

However, in the midst of these chaotic, unfortunate and despicable lives, you can easily miss the small glowing light in the vicinity and easily turn to despair and ultimately joining in the same decaying world. Christianity still remains the largest single religious group, yet all these evils prevail among the Christians and non-Christian societies in equal measure despite their strong teachings. The answer lies in not trying to change the world by yourself, but rather by transforming yourself as St. Paul puts it, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed to this world by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:1-2).

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